For internet-based Services, you are free to cancel the Service at any time. shall refund any unexpended advance fees paid by you at the time of cancellation of the Service. In case you wish to seek a refund of the advance paid by you because you do not agree with a modification to the Agreement, please write to We will process refund of the unexpended amount.
Subjected to terms under clause ‘Use of Services’ of this Agreement for all home-based Services, shall provide refund of any unexpended advance fees paid by you if:
Fees for this Healthcare Service are Nonrefundable. You may postpone then reschedule your assessment by sending an email to does not grant, by implication or otherwise, any license or right to use any trademark, service mark, trade name or logo, or the content displayed on this site without the prior written consent of Dr. Herd personally. Registered and unregistered proprietary information is owned and held by Dr. Herd and therefore, you may be liable for infringement or misappropriation or other legal action if you misuse this website in any form either mentioned or unmentioned.
At Diabetes Risk Alert we provide telehealth services, which offer advice and support to patients who have diabetes. We’ve been doing that since 2013.
Copyright by DiabetesRiskAlert 2022. All rights reserved.