Reflex control of heart rate and strength of contraction is well known. It’s an important part of adjusting to exercise, posture and ambient temperature. We’re also aware of connections between cardiovascular function, mood and emotions.
Reflex control of heart rate and strength of contraction is well known. It’s an important part of adjusting to exercise, posture and ambient temperature. We’re also aware of connections between cardiovascular function, mood and emotions.
Basal heart rate is absolutely the best predictor of chronic disease, disability and premature death.
Most costs for illness and injury come from 30% of employees with Metabolic Disorders including Diabetes. The 10% with Type 2 Diabetes have by far and away the most costly illness presenting in the American workforce. In addition, other family members with type 2 diabetes also increase the cost of providing healthcare insurance for employees and their families.
Every year, one in five people in the US looks for help to fix some mental, behavioral or emotional disorder. About the same number as need help with their diabetes.
The primary concern with adopting resistance strength training is attaining maximal benefit from regular resistance exercise sessions.
If high levels of sugar, fat and insulin in the blood don’t get cleared by morning, central control falls apart. Organs and tissues don’t know what’s going on and nothing works just right.
Resistance Strength Training is the best way to Reverse Diabetes. Caloric Restriction and Endurance Aerobic Exercise reduce body weight which reduces insulin resistance. Sufficient weight reduction will Reverse Diabetes eventually.
Exercise Tolerance Testing is the best way to measure progress using exercise to Reverse Diabetes. Caloric Restriction and Endurance Exercise reduce body weight which reduces insulin resistance. Increasing Skeletal Muscle Strength increases insulin sensitivity. Improvement in exercise endurance and muscle strength demonstrates progress even when body weight has not gone down.
Underfeeding in Type 2 diabetes just reduces metabolic rate. That blocks weight loss. Reducing weight requires building more muscle and burning more calories. That requires resistance strength training.Reversing diabetes requires clearing all the excess calories still left in the circulation every day. The energy we take in and the energy we use vary a lot from time to time and person to person.
The lack of metabolic response to Caloric Restriction and plateau of Body Weight is an indication to increase protein intake (if good renal function) and implement a Resistance Strength Training Program to increase Energy Efficiency.