Diabetesriskalert Blogs


Most costs for illness and injury come from 30% of employees with Metabolic Disorders including Diabetes. The 10% with Type 2 Diabetes have by far and away the most costly illness presenting in the American workforce. In addition, other family members with type 2 diabetes also increase the cost of providing healthcare insurance for employees and their families.


Exercise Tolerance Testing is the best way to measure progress using exercise to Reverse Diabetes. Caloric Restriction and Endurance Exercise reduce body weight which reduces insulin resistance. Increasing Skeletal Muscle Strength increases insulin sensitivity. Improvement in exercise endurance and muscle strength demonstrates progress even when body weight has not gone down.


Underfeeding in Type 2 diabetes just reduces metabolic rate. That blocks weight loss. Reducing weight requires building more muscle and burning more calories. That requires resistance strength training.Reversing diabetes requires clearing all the excess calories still left in the circulation every day. The energy we take in and the energy we use vary a lot from time to time and person to person.


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At Diabetes Risk Alert we provide telehealth services, which offer advice and support to patients who have diabetes. We’ve been doing that since 2013.

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