Telehealth Reverse Diabetes and Escape From The Epidemic | Free Trial in Texas

December 11, 2018 by Dr. J A Herd MD0

Now there’s more deaths from diabetes than deaths from malaria. That’s not even counting deaths from heart disease and cancer made worse by diabetes.

Meanwhile, the number of people with diabetes in the in U.S. is increasing 5% every year. While cases of malaria are going down every year.

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What is happening?

This is a real EPIDEMIC of Diabetes and Obesity. And it’s getting WORSE!

This is an epidemic because it’s increasing more than anyone would expect because of age, race, environment, occupational exposure or anything else that might just happen to be going on.

The trend up in the last 25 years is alarming! In 1994, fewer than 5% of adults had Type 2 Diabetes. Now more than 10% have Diabetes. In addition, Prediabetes affects more than 30%. Worse, still, many people don’t even realize they have diabetes or prediabetes! The maps showing trends in Obesity and Diabetes are strikingly similar. In 1994, fewer than 30% had Obesity. Now, more than 39% are Obese. In addition, 33% of adults are Overweight.

figure showing a chart in which mention how obesity related to diabetes
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Since 1994, the percent of people affected has increased by almost half as much again. Not only the trend for the whole country but also for different regions of the country. There’s always been more Obesity and Diabetes in the Southeast than in the Midwest.

Diabetes and Obesity in Children

figure showing a graph in which data showing prevalence of obesity among adults and youth
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This chart shows the increase obesity for both adults and children in U.S. In 2000, fewer than 30% of adults were obese and fewer than 13% of youngsters were obese. In 2016, almost 40% of adults are obese and more than 18% of children are obese.

We used to call Type 2 Diabetes “Adult Diabetes” because anyone under 20 years of age always had Type 1 Diabetes caused by the pancreas not making any insulin. That was called “Childhood Diabetes.” Now we’re seeing almost as many youngsters with Type 2 Diabetes as with Type 1.

Epidemic also makes you think about infections like flu, or cholera or typhoid. Something in the water, in the air or something in food. Bacteria, viruses or chemicals like lead or mercury. Is there something causing an Epidemic in Diabetes and Obesity?

Why do Diabetes and Obesity occur together? Both are much alike occurring in race and ethnicity, occupation and income, culture and education, environment and poverty as well as region and geography. Is it just a coincidence or is there something about obesity causing diabetes?

Spread in Families

A family history of diabetes doubles the chances of having diabetes. An easy explanation would be, “Diabetes is something you’re born with.” That’s partly true. About 2% of diabetes in families is caused by abnormal genes.

The stronger effect that is something you’re born which is more subtle. There are changes in the way genes act that are carried over into the baby from both father and mother. Nutrition and exercise in both parents change actions of their genes. Once created these changes carry over into their children and persist from generation to generation. These changes in gene interactions are reversed if the children adjust their nutrition and exercise as they grow and become parents themselves.

The strongest effect is what children learn from their parents and family. Children imitate and react to what they see. Also, parents can teach by instruction. Children learn values and desires as well as good and bad behavior.

There are health and social benefits of eating together.

picture showing family eating food on dinning table together
Photo: Rubbermaid Products ,Some rights reserved.

• schedule time to eat together
• enjoy healthy meals
• model eating behavior
• participate in preparing meals
• conversation and interaction
• news reports and opinion

Recreation and entertainment also can be enjoyed together. Physical activity, regular exercise and sports show what families can do together. Family interest in sports and athletic skills encourage youngsters to keep physically fit.

Walking together as a family is another opportunity to demonstrate and teach good health practices.

young people are walking together• young and old can walk together

• places to go and things to see

• chance to talk and listen

• physical benefits of regular exercise

Spread Through Social Networks

Diabetes and Obesity are not caused simply by family or environment or regional influence. Studies of social networks have shown that obesity spreads person-to-person. Investigators studied social contacts between 12,000 individuals during 30 years in the Framingham Heart Study.

group of people playing chess They found that the chance of obesity increased more than 50% if a friend became obese. If a brother or sister became obese, chances increased by 40%. Same thing if a spouse became obese.

Geographic separation didn’t matter. Chance of becoming obese was greater if a distant friend became obese than if a neighbor not a friend became obese.

Apparently people come to adopt behaviors and body size just like their friends.

Attempts To Lose Weight

Every year in the U.S., about half of all adults try to lose weight. Of course, people who are heavy are more likely to try to lose weight than people of normal weight. Very few are successful in losing even -5% of body weight.

old people riding bycycleWhat you can do is support and encourage your friends when they try to lose weight. Everybody working together is more likely to bring success.

Practical experience shows that people who exercise with a partner or in a group are more likely to continue participating than those who attempt to keep exercising alone.

The very best thing of all is to lose weight, reverse diabetes and set an example for all your friends.

Diabetes Is Contagious

picture represents word safe to drinkStay away from what will hurt you.

If you know there’s lead in the water, don’t drink it.

If you know there’s a thousand calories in every meal. . . .

Well, I know you can guess what I’m trying to say.

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