Good Health Assessment (GHA)


Heart Rate (or Pulse Rate) is the number of times the heart beats every minute. Specialized cells in the heart keep it beating no matter what. Additional control comes from metabolism, nerve stimulation and hormones. The fewest minute to minute changes from outside the heart happen during sleep. That rhythm while sleeping is Basal Heart Rate. The best time to measure Basal Heart Rate is first thing in the morning. Before even getting out of bed.

People at any age with Basal Heart Rate above 80 bpm have poor health and a poor outlook for disease, disability and premature death. In contrast, people with Basal Heart Rate below 65 bpm have expectations for continued good health. Basal heart rate is absolutely the best predictor of chronic disease, disability and premature death.

Acid-Base Balance of blood in circulation is tightly controlled close to neutral. Balance is measured in pH units from 0 (strongly acidic) to 14 (strongly basic) with pH 7.0 indicating neutral.

Energy metabolism creates both acid and base which enter into blood all day long. Some acid is cleared by lungs as CO2 into expired air. Fluid with mixtures of acid and base is cleared by kidneys from blood into urine.

Repair of overfilled and injured cells in organs and tissues creates more acid than normal. Excess acid allows viruses to enter cells and take control of tissue function. Acid also spills into circulating blood and kidneys clear it from blood into urine. Values of pH in urine below 5.0 indicate an increased risk for poor health.

Exercise improves health and protects against many chronic diseases. All physical activity is important. As much as possible every day. Evidence also indicates that exercise for at least 10 minutes strengthens muscles and increases circulation. Total amount of exercise day by day should be at least 150 minutes every week. Both aerobic endurance and resistance strength training are important.

Beginning an exercise program should start slowly and increase gradually. With plenty of time to warm up and cool down. Eventually, intensity of exercise should be enough to increase the rate of breathing but less than exhausting.

Good Health Assessment Programs

Report 5-7 Days

◉ Acid-Base Balance: Morning Urine pH, Morning Saliva pH.

◉  Basal Heart Rate (before getting out of bed in morning).

◉ Exercise: Physical activity for at least 10 minutes at a time.

Healthcare Professional Consultation

◉ Review/analyze health history and daily reports.

◉ Good Health Assessment is emailed to you.

◉ Telephone conference to discuss reports and interpret assessment.

◉ Recommendations made for maintaining and improving health.

What Is Needed to Participate

◉ Computer/Tablet/Smartphone to submit 5-7 daily reports and a health history to Herd Healthcare Server.

◉ Herd Healthcare will supply acid-base balance collection containers and pH strips (mailed to you via USPS).

◉ Heart rate (oximeter or wearable device) or cellphone app. (You may use your fingertips to count pulses on wrist radial artery or neck carotid artery.)

Watch, stopwatch or fitness app to track number of daily exercise minutes.

Good Health Assessment With Laboratory

Report 5-7 Days

◉ Acid-Base Balance: Morning Urine pH, Morning Saliva pH.

◉ Basal Heart Rate (before getting out of bed in morning).

◉ Exercise: Physical activity for at least 10 minutes at a time.

Diagnostic Laboratory Test

◉ Our staff will provide you with a lab requisition and help you locate a convenient location to have blood drawn.

Healthcare Professional Consultation

◉ Review/analyze health history and daily reports.

◉ Review/analyze Diagnostic Laboratory results.

◉ Health Assessment Report and Diagnostic Laboratory Results are emailed to you.

◉ Telephone conference to discuss reports and interpret assessment.

◉ Recommendations for maintaining and improving health.

What Is Needed to Participate

◉ Computer / Tablet / Smartphone to submit 5-7 daily reports and a health history to Herd Healthcare Server.

◉ Herd Healthcare will supply acid-base balance collection containers and pH strips (mailed to you via USPS).

◉ Heart rate (oximeter or wearable device) or cellphone app. (You may use your fingertips to count pulses on wrist radial artery or neck carotid artery.)

◉ Watch, stopwatch or fitness app to track number of daily exercise minutes.

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At Diabetes Risk Alert we provide telehealth services, which offer advice and support to patients who have diabetes. We’ve been doing that since 2013.

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