Telehealth Reverse Diabetes With Positive Affect | Free Trial In Texas

October 15, 2019 by Dr. J A Herd MD0

Enjoy exercise. That’ll build a health practice that automatically reverses diabetes. Without even thinking about it.

Enjoyment of exercise transfers to other practices. Like healthy eating, good sleep and excellent function at work and at home.

Let us help you form an exercise routine that is enjoyable, consistent and effective.


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Good Health Practice Enhances Function And Prolongs Life

Automatic thoughts, feelings and actions are nonconscious processes. We don’t have time to think about everything we’re doing. Some days we don’t do anything unusual. Only what we did yesterday or the day before. Or the year before.

Nonconscious processes act fast. We do things even before we realize what we’re doing. We make most decisions without being conscious about them. We often feel good or bad and we don’t know why. We might say, “Why did I do that? Next time will be different.” But we don’t know for sure what we’ll ever do unless we consciously guide it through. While we’re doing it.

Exercise prevents or reverses diabetes. Everybody should know this by now. Yet most people don’t exercise regularly. At least not enough to produce any health benefit. Nonconscious processes, the results from a lifetime of experience, guide health practices.

good health practices

Other good health practices are just as important. Healthy eating, good sleeping and successfully resolving recurrent problems all have value. Some practitioners include Meditation with mental sensory imagery to help prevent and reverse diabetes.

Positive Affective Attitudes Include Enjoyment And Pleasure

Successful Health Practices require more than intellectual agreement with a proposition. They require more than a plan for doing something that improves health. They even require more than satisfaction after having done something. They require real enjoyment felt during a positive health practice. Best of all is to feel a wave of pleasure flowing through while practicing good health.

Enjoyment is pleasure you can’t really describe in words. It’s what you feel all over when you get praised for a job well done. Search your memory for when you last felt real pleasure. Create a mental image of that event. How does that feel?

Positive Affect mental healthNow create a mental image of a 10-minute walk. Attach to it, in your mind, the mental image from that previous high pleasure event. Sound complicated? It’s worth doing. Do that again while you’re walking. After a while you’ll get the hang of it and you won’t have to think about it anymore. You’ll automatically get to enjoy your walk.

Your nonconscious processes interpret combinations of mental images as a single event. Positive mental images you create are stored much more readily than negative mental images. Our positive neurocognitive events are selected for memory storage and future application in automatic processes.

Positive health practices are readily enjoyed. For example, exercise is more readily enjoyed than eating less. Exercise is considered action for improvement. Eating less seems like loss to get any improvement.

Convert loss to gain. Concentrate on the wonderful taste of your food and stop eating before your plate is empty. Enjoy a good night’s sleep and forget about the TV program you previously watched late at night.


Positive Psychology And Type 2 Diabetes

Positive Psychology And Type 2 DiabetesFocus on strengths instead of weaknesses. Positive psychology is a scientific approach to studying positive events and influences in life. It is the opposite of abnormal psychology which includes mental illness, suffering and pain. It is the study of changes in personal perspective that improve quality of life.

Investigators have intervened with treatment to enhance quality of life. The results of their efforts have increased positive affect and decreased depression of patients in many clinical studies.

Anxiety and depression are common in type 2 diabetes. Measures of positive quality of life have linked with the prevention of type 2 diabetes. Also, positive affect is linked to lower disability and longer life.

Treatment to improve positive affect in patients with type 2 diabetes has produced good results. Decreased fasting blood sugar and increased HDL cholesterol have been reported as well as decreased prevalence of depression.

Transfer Effects Between Good Health Practices

Skill tends to transfer from one form to another. Individuals with good health practice in one form are more likely to gain skill in another form. Success in exercise can be used to enhance healthy eating.

Positive Affect boosts during physical activity in type 2 diabetesThe opposing influence is increased appetite in response to increased energy output. As a result, exercise can cause actual increase in body weight.

National Surveys show a distinct correlation between regular exercise and healthy eating. Those who exercise at least 150 minutes every week consume the most fresh fruits and vegetables. Those who exercise the least, consume the least.

Positive Affect boosts during physical activity appear to be especially important. Multiple studies have concluded that positive affect experienced during physical activity predicts future practice. Positive affect experienced after physical activity does not.

Nonconscious processes are the central mechanism for automatic health practice. Positive affect experienced during exercise greatly influences nonconscious automaticity.

Theory proposes that individuals who enjoy regular exercise are more likely to assume healthy eating. The greater the skill in regular exercise the more likely to improve nutrition. Especially as the two skills, regular exercise and healthy eating, are both health-promoting.



Positive health practice such as exercise can prevent or reverse type 2 diabetes. The key is to enjoy what you’re doing. You can learn to enjoy exercise, enjoy the taste of a good meal and enjoy a good night’s sleep.

Good health practice improves quality of life with type 2 diabetes

Good health practice improves quality of life, decreases healthcare costs and extends survival in good health.

Recent discoveries in positive psychology make preventing and reversing type 2 diabetes a realistic goal. Nonconscious processes can be guided to good health practice by daily repetition of conscious effort until it becomes automatic.

A good start is to establish an exercise program that is enjoyable during and after exercise. From there, healthy eating, good sleeping and successful function at work and at home will follow.

Let us help you form an exercise routine that is enjoyable, consistent and effective.

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